Use SugarCRM’s Module Loader to upload SESWCustoms add-ons and Applications
1. Click on the Admin link as shown bellow.
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Sugar displays the Administration page.
2. Go to the bottom of the page, to the Developer Tools section and click on the Module Loader link.
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Sugar will display The Main screen of Module Loader
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3. To begin to install your package, you first need to upload it. The second section of the The Main screen of Module Loader is where you do this. Just browse to select the zip package you downloaded on your local computer and then click Upload to upload it to the Sugar instance. When you do so, it will appear in the list of modules shown in Module Loader, as you can see below.
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4. You can click Install now to begin the installation of your package. A few checks on the package and the system will be performed first, and then you’ll be at the commit screen for the package, as you can see below.
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You’ll need to agree to a license agreement.
Once you are ready to install the package, just click Commit and the installation will begin. This could take awhile, because not only will files need to be copied but also a series of SQL statements will need to be run to create the database tables that are used for the module, as well as rebuilding relationships to include any newly created relationships you have specified in Module Builder.
Once the install is complete, you can click the Back to Module Loader button and see that your module is now installed and ready to use.
There are no further adjustments required, so the module is immediately available to all users with ACL rights to do so.
There are no further adjustments required, so the module is immediately available to all users with ACL rights to do so.